Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Unexpected Serendipity!

After a tumultuous year and a creative deadening I am coming to life again. I have been trying to paint almost every day and although I have not perceived myself as "ready" per say to venture out into the public arena of art again, I have not been able to completely separate myself from involvement. I can't escape it. Art brings good things into my life. I am a brilliant self-sabotager and try as I might, I have been unable to destroy my art or the good things it brings me. I received a phone call last night from Caterina Winery inviting me back to be the First Friday Artist in June. To me, this is the biggest honor...the fact I was already there, they saw my art, they met me and they want me back! I am so gracious and humble to anyone who appreciates my art. :)